If you have a keen interest in precious metals, you would want to know all there is to know.
This is especially true seeing as many everyday items, such as flatware, are made with these metals. We are so used to them that they have become practically invisible.
So, what is quadruple plate silver worth? I am going to answer this question as quickly as possible, and explain why it is so.
The Worth of Quadruple Plate Silver
Let me give you the short version of the answer. Quadruple plate silver is not worth much.
If you take it to a pawnshop or a scrap market, you may even get nothing. Let’s not even mention private collectors.
Now, to the long answer. Quadruple plate silver is not worth much if it is a standalone item. But if you bring quadruple plate silver flatware or other household items in sets, and they have a desirable or unique pattern, you can get up to $100.
On rare occasions, an enthusiastic collector or a dealer in antiques can pay thousands of dollars for a set. And if you have a really old set, you can get more for it.
What Is Quadruple Plate Silver?
Quadruple plate silver is an item or object that has 0.0012 inches of silver coating on them.
Typically, items that are silver plated have a coat of 0.003 inches of silver on them. But items that are quadruple plate silver have 4 times that amount of silver coating.
The items or objects are usually made with metals that are less precious, such as nickel or copper. This makes them sturdier, more durable, and more affordable.
This thick coating of silver makes it difficult for it to wear and reveal the inner layer of cheap metal. But because it is just a coating, albeit thick, it is not worth much to refiners and collectors. This is why quadruple plate silver is not worth much.
If you want to know whether or not your silver items are silver-plated or sterling, check for markings. Sterling silver items usually have markings such as 925, 925/1000, ster, sterling and the likes.
If you find none of these or similar markings on the items, it is most likely just silver-plated.
What Quadruple Plate Silver Items Have Value?
Quadruple plate silver flatware or hollowware may have some value. But the value is hinged on a few factors:
- Condition of the items
- Style of the items or the manufacturing brand
- Age of the items
Condition of the Items
If the quadruple plate silver items are worn or scratched, you may not get much value for it. This is despite the beauty or pattern of the items. The same applies to items made of pure silver.
Keeping the items in good condition, therefore, is important if you plan to sell them. You can clean the items yourself, taking care not to scratch or deface any of the items further.
Style or Manufacturing Brand
The pattern or style of the items also matters. It can determine how well they sell; collectors and dealers tend to be particular about this.
If you are not sure which brand or style matters, there are many resources online to help you. You can also browse libraries and bookstores to find books that talk about antique silver.
In addition, any antique dealer can help you value the items and sort out the style and brand. However, this may incur some service fees.
There are thousands of flatware patterns in silver-plated items. But only 300 of these patterns are valuable to dealers and collectors.
Age of the Items
If you have a set of flatware or hollowware that dates back before 1880, you can get thousands of dollars for it.
Those kinds of items, though merely plated, are considered antiques. Collectors usually pay good money to have whole sets, especially those who have incomplete sets.
How to Test the Silver
Do you know there is fake silver? If any item has real silver, no matter how little the amount, it should pass some tests.
So, here are some easy tests you can use at home to determine whether or not your items have real silver.
Magnet Test
You can easily mistake iron or stainless steel for silver if you have an untrained eye. So place a magnet close to the item. If the magnet draws the silver item, the silver is fake. This is because silver is not magnetic.
Another way to do this is the magnet slide. A magnet will slide quickly down fake silver or stick to it. Therefore, slide the magnet down its side. If it goes down quickly, it is fake.
Use a strong type of magnet, such as the rare earth type, as many fake silver items tend to pass this test if the magnet is not strong enough.
Ping Test
Take one piece of silver and hit it against another piece. If it is real silver, you would hear a ping. The high-pitched noise will last for a while. It works even if the item is silver-plated.
While fake silver also tends to ping, the sound does not last as long. So listen to the sound to know how long it lasts.
I won’t advise you to perform this test on any coin or item that has real value. You may dent or damage it, thereby decreasing its value.
Acid Test
To carry out this test, you will need to buy the test acid. It is a combination of muriatic acid and nitric acid and tends to be the most accurate test.
Use eyewear and hand gloves for this test in order to protect yourself.
Read the instructions on the label of the acid. You will see how to judge the result. Then, drop the acid on the item you want to test. One drop will do.
If you find the item changing to the color specified on the label as correct, you know you have real silver. Otherwise, you have fake silver.
Note: You may find some online tests saying you can use vinegar and you can. But you won’t a result as accurate as using the acids mentioned above.
Another way to run this test is to use a testing stone. Rub the silver item against it and drop the acid on the stone.
Don’t use this test on silver items of some value, even if they are only quadruple plate silver.
Ice Test
Take an ice cube and place it on top of the silver item. If it is real silver, the ice would begin to melt real fast. This is because silver conducts heat excellently. It conducts heat much better than copper or even iron.
To make it easier to decide, place two silver items side by side. Use one you suspect is real and one you suspect is fake. Then, take two ice cubes and place one on each item. Watch how fast each melts.
You won’t be able to tell the melting speed of the ice unless you have something with which to compare. So, run two ice tests at the same time.
X-Ray Florescence Analyzer
This test may be a bit costly because you have to buy this tool. But it gives good results.
The analyzer is able to scan items to detect metals in them, both precious and otherwise. After detecting them, it identifies them. So with it, you will be able to tell if you have real silver.
Watch this video to learn more about how to tell real silver from fake…
Caring for Quadruple Plate Silver
Remember that one of the factors that affect the worth of quadruple plate silver is its condition. Therefore, let me show you how to care for quadruple plated silver items you own.
What You Will Need
- Silver polish
- Silver cloth
- Non-abrasive sponge
- Cotton dishtowels (2)
- Dish soap (not the citrus-scented type)
Step 1
Rinse the silver item in warm water. This is to remove leftover acids that can tarnish or discolor the metal.
Step 2
Next, wash it with your hands in warm water with soap. Don’t use a dishwasher. Using your hands will enable you to scrub off food particles that stick stubbornly. But don’t rub too hard and use the non-abrasive sponge.
Step 3
Mop up water from the silver plate after washing it. Use one of the cotton dishtowels. Make sure it is 100% cotton to avoid scraping.
It is important you hand-dry it so that water spots don’t form on its surface. They can be unsightly.
Step 4
If you are not going to use the item anytime soon, wrap it in the silver cloth. Then, store it in a dry and cool place.
Step 5
Use a silver polish on the quadruple silver plate from time to time. Use another cotton dishtowel for this exercise and strictly follow the polishing instructions. Doing this will prevent tarnish, even if you don’t use it for a long time.
Quadruple plate silver does not have a lot of worth but only if you have a standalone item. If you have a unique set or sets, they may be worth a lot of money.
I would like to stress the importance of testing the silver before taking it to a dealer. Knowing if you have real silver plating is worth the work. Any of the following tests work:
- Magnet test
- Ping test
- Acid test
- Ice test
- X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer test
Additionally, caring for quadruple plate silver plays a vital role in how much value it has.
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