Gold is a material that has attracted humans since the dawn of time, and gold rings have an undeniable allure that no other metal can match.
For anyone who wants to try their hand at making their own, we’ve scoured the internet for plans – and as a result, here are our top 19 tutorials for how to make a gold ring.
1. Pure Gold Wedding Ring
Here’s an interesting plan to start you off. As the author explains, the time-honored, traditional way to make gold jewelry is from pure gold using a hammer and anvil. So if you’re interested in making a gold ring of the kind that was worn by the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, then this is the plan that will show you how!
2. Making a Gold Ring from Scrap
This is a fascinating video to watch. In it, this YouTuber demonstrates how to use the sandcasting technique to produce a beautiful ring from scrap gold. To be honest, if you haven’t done anything like this before, you might want to try with something less valuable than gold for your first attempt. But after you’ve worked it out, this is a great way to recycle any scrap gold you might have lying about in your home.
3. Making a Rose Gold Ring from Scratch
We’ve seen a few of the jewelry-making videos from this YouTuber and they’re all super-fun to watch. He’s clearly a skilled craftsman who knows what he’s talking about, and most amateur ring makers will be able to learn a lot from him. Here he makes a rose gold ring from scratch – check it out if you want to know more.
4. How to Make a Gold Ring
So if you have lots of spare gold that’s just picking up dust – and let’s be honest, who doesn’t? (joke!) – you might be thinking about what you can do with it. One option is to melt it down and recast it into a ring, which is actually not as difficult as it might sound. And if you want to know how to do it, this plan has all the info you need.
5. Making a Gold Ring from Gold Ingot or Bullion
Previously, this YouTuber showed his viewers how to melt down gold into ingots – and as a follow-up, in this upload, he shows how to take the ingot you created and fashion it into a ring. We like the way he explains everything clearly so that even the layman can understand, and if happen to have a spare gold ingot and are wondering what to do with it, this video should give you some ideas!
6. DIY Gold Ring
We enjoyed the written intro to this YouTube vid – he says that he loves the look of pure gold, especially when it’s molten, and that he can’t pull his eyes away from it…and we couldn’t agree more. In this tutorial, he goes on to demonstrate how to make a 24k gold wedding ring with just a few basic ring-making tools. Another riveting watch!
7. Making a Signet Ring in 18K Gold
If you’re brave, you can just take your gold and jump straight into using it for making a ring, which is exactly what this audacious YouTuber does. Of course, if he messes it up, it could be an expensive mistake, but he seems confident enough. And if you want to find out if he manages, check out this video of him making a gold signet ring as a gift for his father.
8. How to Make Your Own Engagement Ring
There are two reasons you might want to make your own engagement ring. The first is because something you make by your own hands will have far more meaning than something you just pick up from a jewelry store. And the second is because you want to save some cash. We’re fairly sure this blogger falls into the former category, and if you’re curious to know how he did it, check out his plan!
9. Making a Ring from a Gold Bar
This is a video that was uploaded by professional jewelry makers, so not everyone will have the tools or the skills necessary to reproduce what they do at home. However, it’s always educational to watch the pros at work, and at the very least, this should give you some idea of the process you need to go through to turn a gold bar into a beautiful ring.
10. How to Make a Coin Ring From a 1 oz US Gold Eagle
There are hundreds – if not thousands – of plans online for making rings from coins. In fact, people have been uploading them for just about as long as the internet has existed. Most of them tell you how to make rings from inexpensive coins, though – but this video shows you how to make one from an incredibly valuable US Gold Eagle. Want to try? Here’s how it’s done.
11. DIY Faux Hammered Gold Rings
At the other end of the scale, if you want a “gold” ring but don’t want to splash the cash, this could be a better plan for you. It teaches you how to make faux gold rings that look great – and pretty convincing too – but cost a whole lot less. We think this looks like a fun project to attempt, and you won’t have to worry so much if it doesn’t go quite the way you planned.
12. Making a Gold Tension Ring
A lot of the plans for gold rings we’ve seen are all very similar – just a plain gold band that looks classy and stylish…but maybe just a bit too classic and boring. This video, on the other hand, shows you how to make a tension ring – that’s one that holds the stone in place by tension alone. It’s a much more original effort than most, making it well worth checking out.
13. Ladies 22k Gold Ring Making New Design
This is another video from the professional ring-maker who uploaded #9, and for the same reasons, not everyone will be able to copy the techniques. However, as before, you can always learn so much by observing experienced artisans at work, making this another video that’s worth taking the time to watch.
14. DIY Gold Shell Ring
This is a plan that we enjoyed – and one that gets filed in the “quick and easy DIY” section! It doesn’t teach you how to make a genuine gold ring from metal – rather, it explains how to create a decorative ring from a gold-colored shell. It might not be as valuable as a genuine gold ring, but it’s still a highly attractive piece – and a project many people will enjoy attempting at home.
15. Gold Diamond Ring from a Coin
We mentioned earlier that there are plenty of plans for coin rings online, and here’s another one. This one teaches you how to make an inexpensive “gold diamond” ring from a coin. So who says you need to spend a fortune on jewelry?
16. Making an Emerald Gold Ring 22k Gold
Here we have one more video from the people responsible for #9 and #13, but this one is a little different. In this video, they show us how they produce gold rings that incorporate precious stones, this time an emerald. We wouldn’t be able to do this ourselves, but it’s always fun to dream!
17. DIY Gold Chevron Ring
If you aren’t up to melting gold down and recasting it into a ring, you might prefer to tackle something a little simpler. In that case, this plan for chevron rings made from gold wire might be a little less intimidating. They still look great, though, and we’re sure plenty of people will enjoy making something similar.
18. How to Cast a Ring Out of Silver, Copper or Gold
As this YouTuber explains, the techniques for casting are more or less the same, whatever the material. In his video he uses silver, but as he mentions, you can easily apply what you learn from this tutorial to gold too. Or perhaps even better, give it a dry run with copper first – and then try it with gold when you feel more confident.
19. Making the One Ring to Rule Them All
To finish, this video might be our favorite of them all, and if you’re a fan of Lord of the Rings, you’ll understand why. Have you always wanted a Ring of Power? Then this is the video you need to watch because it shows you how to make Sauron’s One Ring to Rule Them All. And you won’t even need to go to Mount Doom to forge it. (But here’s a spoiler, this ring won’t actually make you invisible. Sorry!)
Lots of skilled artisans and DIYers
As you can see from the range of plans available, there are so many skilled professional artisans and amateur DIY enthusiasts out there, and finding these tutorials for you has been truly inspirational.
We hope you’ve enjoyed everything we’ve found, and above all, we hope we’ve helped you find the ideas and techniques you needed to get started on your next DIY jewelry project.